Articles / Studies

  1. Correlates of Smoking Behavior among Muslim Arab-American Adolescents, Sondos M.S. Islam and Carl Anderson Johnson Department of Preventive Medicine, Institute for Health Promotion and Disease
    Prevention Research, University of Southern California, Alhambra, USA
  2. Forgone Earnings from Smoking: Evidence for a Developing Country, Michael Lokshin and Kathleen Beegle Development Research Group, World Bank
  3. A Welfare Analysis of Tobacco Use, Richard Peck, Frank J. Chaloupka, Prabhat Jha, and James Lightwood
  4. Estimating the costs of Tobacco Use, James Lightwood, David Collins, Helen Lapsley, and Thomas E. Novotny
  5. Examining the Impact of Development, Tobacco Taxation, and Tobacco Prices on Global Adult Male Smoking Prevalence,
    Michael Brandon Talley
    Georgia State University
  6. Past, Current and Future Trends in Tobacco Use, Guindon, G. Emmanuel and David Boisclair The World Bank
  7. Saving the Children for the Tobacco Industry, Mark Nichter and Elizabeth Cartwright University of Arizona, Tucson
  8. Smoking-Related Research in the Asian-Pacific Countries, Malcolm A Moore and Hiroyuki Tsuda National Cancer Center Research Institute, Tokyo
  9. Tobacco Control: Present and Future, Robert West Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London, 2-16 Torrington Place, London WC1E 6BT, UK
  10. Youth Smoking Prevalence in Developed and Developing Countries: Effect of Advertising Bans, Jon P. Nelson Pennsylvania State University
  11. Tobacco Free Mecca and Medina, Saloojee, Dr. Yussuf, National Council Against Smoking, South Africa Chaouki, Dr. Noureddine, Director of Epidemiology and Disease Prevention, Ministry of Health, Morocco